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Public Safety

Leveraging AI to Achieve UN SDG 11 to Improve the Safety and Comfort of All Citizens

Creating a More Sustainable Life for Future Generations

Our Deep Learning Computer Vision (DLCV) framework for public safety, at the forefront of groundbreaking technological advancements, is designed to propel cities and nations to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered inspections for damage detection and classification in public places - focusing on enhancing the safety and comfort for all citizens. This incredible milestone achieved using our Public Safety detection and classification framework will signify a triumph in technological prowess and a significant leap towards creating a more sustainable life for future generations by using AI for public safety.

Improving the safety and comfort of all citizens.

Public safety can be at risk due to any deterioration or disruption of natural and artificial landscapes of an area/street or city. It can also happen due to physical elements that hamper the safety and comfort of people on public roads, such as excavation barriers, pothole detection, open wires, and dilapidated sidewalks, to name a few. Our quality control-based Computer Vision platform offers AI solutions for public safety, enabling optimal annotation and data augmentation for increased model accuracy. It uses AI to identify objects and obstacles like construction waste, non-construction waste, maintenance hole issues, and road cave-ins, among other relevant multiple public safety elements, to achieve the UN SDG targets.

CamCom’s platform leverages Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) technologies to process images uploaded by citizens through mobile phones, dashcams, and street views. The platform auto-detects and classifies the elements of public safety threat in the captured images. This AI-based public safety prediction is vital in improving real-time prediction performance, enabling the Government and municipalities to take timely intervention and mitigation actions

Public safety detection and early alerts are necessary to protect the environment, promote public health and safety, enhance quality of life, and ensure compliance with regulations. They play a vital role in creating and maintaining clean, safe, and comfortable environments for residents and citizens.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the first country in the world to meet a UN SDG goal, and we are the first company in the world to provide an AI solution for public safety to a nation in this regard.

Value created for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Savings $ 50 M
Decrease in scanning duration 4 x~
High coverage 450,000 KM
Number of AI-processed incidents 10 M
Coverage increase 12 x~
All public safety elements are covered 29
Public safety element detections 15 x~
Decrease in public safety accidents reported 62 %
Substantial disruption to the waste management operating model


Enhanced Public Safety

Safety and Comfort

Compliance and Regulation

Environmental Impact

Efficient Governance

Protecting Heritage

Creation of Ticketing for Revenue Generation

Reduce Fatalities