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The world is changing – an overused statement that has now become a fact. One that is attested by the ‘new normal’ we have begun to witness. In daily life, and in business, change has become the norm for survival. From six-feet-distancing to wearing masks, working from home to teaching via screens, everything has gone through a tremendous shift and the world is adapting. It’s no different for enterprises, and perhaps, that’s why many-a-enterprise are turning to Hyper-Intelligent-Automation.

What is Hyper-Intelligent-Automation (HIA)?

HIA, in simple words, is a process that goes beyond conventional Robotic Process Automation (RPA) which is programmed to do only basic tasks across applications. HIA brings in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and other data tools, in addition to RPA at multiple levels. Enabling processes with minimal or no dependency on workforce, and continuity of business irrespective of the circumstances.

Succinctly put, HIA is the combination of intelligent process identification, intelligent streamlining of data, and ultimately, creating and running the right bots to automate a process.

The Warehousing industry is labour-intensive and involves the entire process of receiving, put-away, storage, picking, packing, and shipping of goods. This process takes up time and labour, and even with a single error, calls for a reversal. Not just that, in case of a ‘return’ a fresh process for replacement has to be initiated. Resulting in more time and labour.

Which is why HIA is a must-have for the warehousing industry. Here
are some benefits of HIA:


Implementing the process of HIA in a warehouse is an easy task. And an affordable one at that. All that is required is bespoke rigs and high-end cameras that need to be implemented to the existing process. With the two in place and a well-monitored system, rest assured the quality inspection becomes fully automated. Not to mention, simple.

Quantitive/ Qualitative inspection:

The quantitative and qualitative inspection of products at a warehouse is crucial. HIA ensures accurate inspection of each product through a three-way (Product, tag and CMS) perfect match before it is binned. The automated inspection helps in delivering the right product to the customer, ensuring delight and trust in the brand name.

100% accurate:

Apparels, electronics, footwear or essentials; goods at a warehouse are moving in huge numbers and moving fast. In such a scenario, a full-proof quality inspection of the goods may not be possible to the naked human eye. HIA bridges the gap, and by use of high-end cameras and rigs, enables a 100% inspection of goods at warehouse.


Technology, in every case, has been a few steps ahead of mankind, through it is us who invented it. HIA is no different as it offers the benefit of speed (especially in warehouses dealing with massive assembly and delivery commitments) which can never be achieved

by us humans. On an average, HIA gets the job done 10 times faster than a pair of experienced and skilled hands can. Ensuring delivery of not just the right goods but at the right time too.

No returns:

One of the biggest dilemmas of warehousing is retuned goods. Even 2% to 5% of goods returned to the warehouse translates into huge numbers. However, by implementing HIA as a process for quality inspection of goods across the lifecycle, warehouses can bring down the percentage of returned goods to an incredible zero. Add to it, the benefit of not having any dead stock, infuriated clients or customers.

HIA is the need of the hour and businesses are making the most of this technology as it promises efficiency, accuracy, speed and savings, if utilised at the right time and in right manner. The warehousing industry too stands to benefit significantly by implementing HIA, especially in today’s times when the world is going through a dramatic change.

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